Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Character behind the Characters (alphabetical)
             Same thing as with the other installments of this blog!  Big thanks to Hunter and Prof Novotny.  I used Dr Novotny's notes, several websites listed below and friends of my parents who know multiple languages.

Abernan, King: aber in Basque is I, and nan is Catalan for Dwarf (“I Dwarf” or #1 Dwarf).  He is the fiery ruler of the Northern Dwarves as a whole and direct commander of the Saatana Division of their army, the so called Dragon Warriors.

Abhac: is Irish for dwarf.  He is one of the Vioma Dwarves (a Northern Dwarf) who met the Tournament of Flags bound Knights on their way to flower fields.  He was friends with Lovag when he studied with dragons. 
Ailante: from Ailanthus altissima, the Tree of Heavan.  He is the head Archerian and oversees all proceedings with the ruling class and ultimately has the final say.
Adelaar: is Dutch for eagle.  This Eaglian is a trusted friend of Aquila and fiercely loyal.
Adifius: aedificare is Latin for to build. Tutor who teaches engineering and helps construct defenses for Liberum.
Ajatella: is Finnish for think.  He is a tutor who routinely helps with squire testing/battle days.  Ajatella wears the traditional gray teaching robes.  His long flowing gray hair is braided around his face while it flows freely in the back.  Despite his age, his goatee is black with speckled gray.  He had kind, dark brown eyes.  He perpetually seemed to have deep sagging bags under his eyes which seemed to add to his caring appearance.
Apeiro: άπειρο is Greek for infinity.   This was Bellae’s father.
Aquila: is Italian for eagle.  His family has been at the top of the Eaglian social ladder for countless generations.  A fearless hunter and fighter he is brave and highly intelligent.  He is also a member of the League of Truth and good friends with the Elves of Creber and the Independent Knights.

Arend: is Dutch for eagle.  Son of prominent Eaglians, Arend and Lenella.  Like his father, and his father’s father, he is a member of the elusive League of Truth.
Arquero: is archer in Spanish.  Liberum Knight who went qualifies for Tournament of Flags as an archery specialist.
Atla: aetla is Icelandic for will.  A member of the Tilkeri squad in Castle Liberum.  while older than most of the other squires, he is a bully.
Baiulus: Baiulus is Latin steward.  He is steward of Liberum and dear friend of Friar Pallium.  Baiulus often delivered or helped resolve problems that arose for the Knights.  Baiulus is usually very serious.  He always seems to be working through some problem in his head.  
He loved things neat and tidy.  He wore his deeply dark hair shaved short. Everything about him speaks of efficiency and tidiness.  Even his face was well organized to avoid unnecessary effort.  His eyes were small and observant.  His small nose straight and proper as were his ears and mouth.  Other than the intensity of his eyes his body was unassuming and average in height and build.  He wore black trousers and a black shirt.  The left chest of the shirt was embroidered with a yellow “S” upon the left chest, the symbol work by the steward.  Within the upper half circle of the S was a castle.  In the bottom portion was a key.
Bardus: is Latin for dull.  He is a villager from troubled village of Kippe.  He was sent to try and obtain the Knight’s help.  He is thin and pale both from nutrition and fear.  His eyes are set back and highlighted by dark circles under his eyes.  He had on a dirty and tattered cloak.
Bellea: bella is a dichotomous word for a conflicted girl.  It is Latin for war while it is Italian for beauty, belle.  She is a younger sibling to twins Jumeaux and Gimelli.  Shortly after her birth she was orphaned and taken to Castle Liberum with her older siblings.  She was born with a gift that was thought long extinguished, conversing with animals.  This gift once belonged to a now extinguished race, the Ainmhi Caint.  Now, Bellae is the only one.  She learned to talk to animals before humans and often feels more comfortable with her creature friends.  For her entire life she has had to deal with the strain of being different than everyone else.  The ability is so uncanny most people in Liberum still doubt she is really communicating with them.
This petite girl has sandy brown hair and large brown eyes.  Her best human friend is fellow squire Lontas, with the eccentric cook of the castle, Cookie, a close second.  Animal friends abound, but include: two mice (Grym and Borb), the stable cat, Star, Crann (her Knight’s horse), and many of the dogs.
Bellae was a newborn when she was orphaned and brought to Castle Liberum.  She is four in the prologue and seven at the start of the tale.

Behalen is Dutch-achieve, earn, win.  This is the black horse of Knight Lovag in Castle Liberum.  He is a stallion.
Beriglor: periglor is Welsh for priest.  He is a prete (priest) for the Elves of Creber.  A thin man with long narrow face he exudes an unassuming nature except if preaching.
Bestilla: Bestille is Danish for book. The female librarian of Liberum known for her fierce protectionist attitude over the scrolls and books under her command.
Blino: is Welsh for to pester, to get tired.  This young Magician in training has a hard time keeping quiet.  He keeps interrupting Master Peraakon at lessson on crystals.
Bly: He is a short man, especially by Knight standards, stationed at Liberum.  He was like Luchar in that he lived and breathed to be a Knight.  It was truly in his blood and the only thing he loved to do.  He was afraid only of fear itself, and trained incessantly.  He purposefully wore a patchwork of armor.  In his mind at least, it would be distracting for his enemy.  His right arm was blue, his left yellow.  His chest plate was red while his legs were blue and green.  His favorite weapon was a weighted sword.  It became thicker, broadened and curved at the end.  Despite his stature he loved to demonstrate he could chop through just about anything with his dreaded weapon.
Boman: is Irish for dunce.  He is a trainer of war dogs at Castle Liberum.  Known for his gruff and simple disposition, he is not well liked.
Borb: is Irish for overt or clear/apparent.  This mouse lives under the Pantteri barracks, but loves to hide in Bellae’s cloak pocket.  He is a large white mouse with black patch of fur around his right ear and circular patch around tail.  Bellae’s good friend has the distinguishing characteristics of a squeaking voice and a jagged ear.
Bondi means bounced or sprung in French.  He serves as head of Western Elves and is known for his formal and ostentatious disposition.  He is famous for the gold silk shirt and pants and copious jewelry he adorns.  He carries a short but broad sword.  His eyes are soft and blue and the coloring of his mostly smooth face is a soft tan bound by long straight brown hair.  His distaste for the Elves of Creber are as malicious as they are blatant.
Calx is Latin for stone.  This was a large and physically intimidating boy who not only always won, but was a bully to Friar Pallium and Veli Falciss when they were all just young squires of the Vouri squad.  Friar finally defeated him in a contest.  Only after that did others defeat him as well.  Nothing had changed except simply the belief that they could win.  Friar uses it as an example of having to believe and have faith in his battle plan.
Campesino is Spanish for rural or country person.  He is from Ager and at 6’8” he is a huge, muscled man.  A glance at his slightly portly belly informed the onlooker of his fondness for ale and pie-especially meat and berry.  Sandy brown/blonde hair flowed just below his shoulders.  A fairly large beard of the same color as hair save for faint graying.  Weapons: armored pole flails, massive broadsword, x3 war hammers.
Canities is Latin for gray.  Not surprisingly, this war hound of Liberum is gray with red armor.  He and squire Lontas are not on the best of terms.
Capall-mara: mara is Irish for aquatic/marine, capall is horse in Irish.  This hippocamp is the mother of Ceffyl-Mor who meets the League of Truth and tries to help.

Caria-Dee: modified from Welsh, cariad-love, a dear.  Bellae’s mother.  She wrote a note of explanation for Bellae to read before her journey started but didn’t get it until right before end.
Cearta: ceárta is Irish for forge/hotbed.  He is the head armorer at Castle Liberum.  Cearta is very tall with a square head, that combine with his long straight beak like nose conjured up the image of an anvil.  His rough broad chin comes to an unusually long sharp down turn, as if it had been melted from the heat generated by decades of sweltering and hammering on the forge.  His dark black eyes blaze like the fire he helped to control.  His arms are large and muscular and his shoulders are particularly hulking.
Ceffyl-Mor: môr is Welsh for sea/ocean, and ceffyl is Welsh for horse.  This young hippocamp is Capall-mara’s baby girl who becomes good friends with Bellae.
Chy: his full name is Chyhrau-Nghyhyrau: Welsh for muscle/flesh.  This large and muscular boy is an Adjutant at Academy of Magic.  He likes to try and get kicked out of classes to hang out in his room.  Is friends with Kaveri and talks to Jumeuax about room thirteen. 
Convella: is modified Latin convello, to shatter/tear up.  She is the daughter of a wealthy merchant in the Citadel.  She floats about the large walled city with a band of equally deviant girls, stalking for vulnerable prey. 
Crann: Crann is Irish for tree, and κρανη is helmet in Greek.  This is the reddish brown horse of Knight Finn.  He is also great friends with squire Bellae.  His mane is dark brown and, like all Cavalo horses from the Vahse plains, stands straight up about 6-8 inches off the crest of his head.  His tail consists of thick cord like strands that are about twice the length of most horses.  As is common for Cavalo horses, Crann is a tall horse and very fast.
Crassus is Latin for fat/thickset.  He is a patient at the Vetus Infirmary of Castle Liberum (home for the sick and mentally disturbed).  He likes to steal orderly outfits and pretend to work there.
Cruba: is Irish for hooves.  He is a centaur on Isle of Hirmulisko who is friends with the hippocampi.

Dana: is Irish for bold/audacious.  This now deceased Knight knew Friar when he was a young boy.  She is the great aunt of Svika, a villager who tries to help the Knights.
Daoine Crogall: is Irish crocodile people.  Ancient mountain creatures of the south.  Legend states they are half-crocodile, half-human.  While they were reported to somewhat slow mentally, they were physically very powerful.  They were best known for their elaborate cemeteries.  Their region of the south was called Leuat, Finnish for jaws, before the Southern Dwarves came in and killed them off.

Drepa: is Icelandic for kill.  He is the Dark Warrior commander of the Southern Field Army at Battle of Vahse Plains.
Duende: is Spanish for Elf.  He is best known for his incessant pandering and ruthless ambition.  He is widely regarded as second in command of the Western Elves behind Bondi.
Dverg: Norwegian for dwarf.  A High Council member who meets with Veneficus before the Tournament of Flags.  Of course, dressed in standard ornate armor.
Dvergur: is Icelandic for dwarf.  A High Council member who meets with Veneficus before the Tournament of Flags.  Of course, dressed in standard ornate armor.
Falciss, Veli: Falcis in Latin is: sickle, bill-hook, or pruning hook-as in his hook nose.  He is the lean, mean, and aggressive leader of Castle Taiheart.  Falciss greatly resents Friar Pallium and his style of leadership over the Knights.  His castle is run with unyielding precision and he tolerates no deviation from his plans or ideals.  Seeing the success of the Proliators he seeks to bring that austere training to the Knights.
Fawr is Welsh for great or large.  This warrior from Ager is a few inches shorter and about fifty pounds heavier Campesino.  His face is broad with a wide bulbous nose.  His eyes were so deep set that they were shrouded in the resultant shadows and gave him a haunting look.  His ears were also sizable, low set, and slightly rotated backwards.  The black hair that flourished on his chest was similar to the bushy black hair that sat disheveled on his head.  His abdomen was pregnant with ale and meat pies.  His arms were abounding with muscles.
Fenik: feniks is Dutch for phoenix.  A fearsome warrior of the Proliator army Rutilus Obitus Division.  He fights in the Tournament of Flags.  He is incredibly devout and is often seen leading prayer services.  After the Tournament he will return to his outpost in Ragorsaf.
fia asteikko: fia is Irish for deer and asteikko is Finnish for scale.  This four legged beast has flowing rows of brown scales all over its body.  It has eight knotty tails that can be used like whips.  The head is un-armored around the eyes but their snout is also layered with flowing rows of scales to give the appearance of a beard of armor.  Two large sets of antlers adorn the males one central upward curved horn appears on the females.

Finn:  finne is Norwegian for find, is Japanese for all. one of few Elves of Creber left in Independent Knights.  Finn ran away to seek adventure at a young age and found the Knights.  He has dedicated his life to them ever since.  His passion is developing new weapons for hand to hand combat and siege warfare.  While not nearly as large as Ritari, he has the endurance to match.  Like all Elves of Creber he has dark brown skin with deep black ruts highlighted by a dusting of green and grey.  As with all of his kind his ears are pointed but not so large as to be conspicuous.  Finn’s facial features are fine and thin and seem so perfect in shape as to appear important. 

Fino: is Portuguese for thin.  This thin, dark eyed Magician is tall and ill-tempered.  He is an ambitious lackey who has tried to become close to Veneficus.
Fochmhar is modified from the Irish word for fierce, fíochmhar.  He is a massive war dog that Bellae knows well.  In fact Bellae has frequent run ins with Fochmhar’s human trainer, Boman.
Fresler: modified from Dutch for savior, verlosser.  One of the most skilled practitioners of prestidigitation within the Rebelde Plains.  He specializes in concealment, especially of large objects.  A skill that will be valuable in the upcoming battles.  
Furasta is easy in Irish.  This Saatana dragon will fight the Proliator Red Guard during the Dragon Battles at the Tournament of Flags.
Gaando is modified from the Dutch word for die, doodgaan.  This was Ritari’s horse before Musta-Yo.  The horse was killed on a hunt.
Gimelli: is Italian for twins (actually the third astrological sign of the Zodiax, Gemini-the twin constellation).  Bellae’s older sister, and Jumeaux’s twin brother-she was born first so is technically oldest.  She is most known for her positive attitude and kind disposition.  She is sometimes referred to by the nickname, Lumi (in reference to her sunny temperament where Luminos is the second sun of Verngaurd).  She and her brother Jumeaux can communicate telepathically.
She has brown hair and yellow eyes and is squire for Sorea.  At seven years of age she was orphaned and taken by the League of Truth to Castle Liberum.  She is eleven at the “fishing debacle” of the prologue and fourteen when the tale begins.

Gleoi Dea: gleoite deas is Irish for pretty.  Both her parents were Knights, her mother was an Elf of Creber, and her father a human.  She is a Knight of Castle Taiheart.  Unlike the dark brown rough bark like skin of Finn, Gleoi Dea’s was a light tan color.  Instead of the harsh dark lines tracking down her face to mimic the lines of bark hers had subtle areas of green hue.  Her dark brown hair was a similar color to Finn’s but instead of looking rough and harsh it had a soft green glow intermixed with the darker brown base.  Like Finn’s, her features were fine.  She had a metal headband that bore a symbol unmistakeable to Bellae as Finn’s squire, the Creber Elf tree symbol.  She rides a small, but fearsome looking Kameli.
Gorm: is Irish for blue.  a blue streaked falcon that befriends Bellae.

Gorrach is Welsh for Dwarf.  He is a high ranking Northern Dwarf within the Saatana Division.  Very burly with thick, hairy arms and legs and full reddish-brown beard down to his navel.  He wears the traditional Saatana armor and helmet.  He had his draak sword modified to make it heavier at the tip (thicker metal).  A Dwarf of very few words.    
Gozador: gozador is Portuguese for joker.  He is stationed at Ragorsaf outpost.  A very spiritual warrior, but with a quick wit and good sense of humor.  
Gretten: Norwegian for grumpy.  An irritable old guy who runs the outfitting circle within the Academy of Magic.  He is short and stocky with massively muscled arms and short deformed legs.  He swings form place to place within his circular little cage.
Grym is Swedish for fierce.  A small but blustery mouse that lives under squire Bellae’s bed in Pantteri barracks of Castle Liberum.  This tiny dark black mouse is known for his gruff voice and very small tail.
Hamata: hämätä is Finnish for mystify. This mysterious creature lives in an oasis within the desert.  She has a lioness head, human woman’s body, and a lion’s tail.  She is an eviga lejon (Swedish for eternal lion).  This “reverse” sphinx, has several questions for any who stumble upon her to answer . . . or else.

Hengeton: hengenlähtö is Finnish for death.  This teenage villager of the besieged Kippe is one of the sons of Surkea (his brother is Kuollut).  The Knights are called to the village of Kippe on their way to the Tournament of Flags.
Herra Isanta: herra is Finnish for lord and isäntä for householder-they were master builders who prize elaborate structures over all else to distance themselves from their tree dwelling past.  She is a sleek but well muscled warrior with unequalled skills at the bow.  Long sleek black hair surrounds dark black eyes.  Like the warriors of the Western Elves she wears black armor inlaid with gold.  Gold head band.  She can trace her ancestry back to the pioneers who left Creber and has a nasty loathing for the Elves who stayed behind.
Hradur: is Icelandic for fast/rapid.  This Jaa warrior travels to the Citadel for the Tournament of Flags, she is entered into most of the sprint events.  She will race Finn in the fifty-four yard race.
Hratt is fast in Icelandic.  This Cavaolo horse befriends squire Bellae.
Hud: is Welsh for magic.  Master Magician who has wormed his way into Veneficus’ inner circle and, at least in his own mind, has earned his trust.
Hullus: hulluus is madness in Finnish.  This is the Saatana the Pantteri fight during the Dragon Battles of the Tournament of Flags.
Hystum is Welsh for attitude or posture. This Southern Dwarf is quite pompous in his overly ornate armor.  He fights in open category of Tournament of Flags.
Ichor This is a resident of the Arbre Fonce-Dark Forest.  In Greek mythology ichor was what flowed within the god’s veins.  He wore a red ruffled shirt with an ornate black surcoat and black leather gloves.  His boots were spotless and polished.  His dress was totally out of place in the small muddy village, and seemed more appropriate for a formal ceremony as opposed to a day of scavenging for food.  His brown-black hair was parted down the center and purposefully combed in an untamed manner.  His smile showed blindingly pristine teeth.  His dark ebony eyes sat in cavernous shadows and were joined by thin, handsome features.

Ihana: is Finnish for lovely.  A lovely young girl in Castle Liberum, she is the daughter of two ex-Knights who stayed on to be tutors.
Iontaofa: is Irish for reliable/trusted.  One of the fastest runners in all of Castle Liberum.  He is known for his reliability.  Because of his speed, he is often used as a messenger.
Iseal: is Irish for lowly.  A young Knight from Castle Liberum who works as a mechanician, usually loading trebuchets or catapults.
Ith is Irish for consumeThis Elf of Creber is the prete or priest who guides the Knights through the ceremony of death where an Elf of Creber is returned/consumed to the Tree of Life.
Johtaa, Captain: is Finnish for lead/oversee.  This former ship captain from Piscium defected to Knights to help them with sea transport when he saw the travesty of freedoms being stripped away in his country.
Jumeaux: is French for twins.  While he talks tough all the time he is actually quite insecure and afraid to his core. To compensate he hides behind his sarcasm which doesn’t endear him to the other squires or Knights.  His well intentioned humor is awkward, mistimed, and often offensive.  He is thin to a fault which makes him look taller than he is in reality.  His thick hair is a black tangleand always seems a bit out of control.  He has a long thin nose to a match his physique.  If he concentrates he can converse telepathically with his twin sister Gimelli even at distances of several hundred yards.  His Knight is Luchar is Knight.

Kaelen: kælen is Danish for amorous.  Known as “Krazy Kaelen,” he is in charge of a series of magma spas.  He advertises heavily and promises to increase naphtha production.
Kainen keijukainen is Finnish for elf.  This boy of thirteen is an Elf of Creber, son of Kempe, and Grandson of Patuljak.  A hereditary member of the League of Truth.  Like his father and his father’s father his whole life he has been trained to guardian of the Chosen One.  This difference between this young Elf and his ancestors for generations is, the time has finally come.
Karhuteri: modified from Finnish for bear-karhu.  This is one of the squads in Castle Liberum and the fourth squire squad in the astronomy class with the Pantteri, Tilkeri, and Elandiri.
Kaveri: buddy in Finnish.  This young man is Adjutant.  He has been one for five years when he meets Jumeaux and the two become friends.
Kelig: is from Norwegian vanskelig tough/difficult/hard.  This Elf is a fifth generation Rebelde Plainer.  He wears a brown cloak with a large bow slung over his shoulder and carries a small, spiked war hammer at his side.  A careful inspection will show he is likely part human as his features are broader than most Elves and his skin is smooth and almost shiny.  His aloof personality is born more of shyness than arrogance.
Kempe: Kjempe is Norwegian for giant.  He is one of the leaders of the Varna, he is also one of the largest Elves in the history of Creber.  He is the son of Patuljak (the Grand Master Elf), and father of Kainen.  All three generations are League of Truth members.  He escorts the recently orphaned Bellae and her twin siblings to Castle Liberum.  He fights at the Tournament of Flags.
Kirvella, Council of: these ruling elite love to discuss philosophy and are all named after ideas in Plato’s Republic.
1.  Eide (forms) 2.  Noesis (intellection)
3.  Chiffre(math) 4.  Dianoia (thought)
5.  Contatto (sensible things) 6.  Pistis (trust)
7.  Eikones (images) 8.  Eikasia (imagination)

Klaufi is Icelandic bungler.  This is Lontas’ horse, an old Hackney.  He is so old his fur has turned grey.
Koketti: is Finnish for coquette (a flirtatious woman or a crested bird with elongated cheek feathers from Central and South America.  Flamboyant Dark Warrior commander at Battle of Abhainn River.  Wears purple hat with yellow flowers and feathers and yellow cloak with purple belt.
Kona: is Croatian for final.  This student Magician has some issues with impulse control and ends up getting burned.  His thin arms and neck look quiet odd poking abashedly out of his pear shaped body.
Koniena: Norwegian for wife is Konen.  She is the wife of Svika and mother of Vanalia who meets the Knights as they travel to the Tournament of Flags.
Kuningas: is Finnish King.  The name fits perfectly as this King of the Fairies is blustery and boisterous with voracious appetites. At only 18 inches tall he is on the shorter side for Fairies.  What he lacks in height he makes up for in girth.  The golden brown garment he wears strains under the weighted pressure spreading out from underneath.  His wings are bland brown with occasional splotches of white that resembled bird droppings.  He has large beady eyes that pierce through you.  His vivacious voice rings loud and gleefully under the canopy of his large nose which hangs lazily from the middle of his face.
Kuollut: kuollema is Finn-decease/passing.  This teenage villager was from the besieged Kippe and was killed by the attacking Dark Warriors.  He is one of the sons of Surkea (his brother is Hengeton).  The Knights are called to the village of Kippe on their way to the Tournament of Flags.
Lehtori: Finnish for lecturer or teacher.  Teaches Astronomy with unrestrained fervor.  While it is Lontas’ favorite class, all of the others dread her over the top zeal.
Leigh:  leigheas is Irish for heal/cure.  He is a healer at Castle Liberum.
Lenella: modified from Finnish word lennättää, which means fly, speed.  This stately Eaglian is wife to Aquila, mother of Arend.
Lidenskap: is Norwegian for passion.  Extremely ambitious and devote Proliator General.  The Knights meet him on their journey to the Tournament of Flags.  Although he initially abhors the Knights, he has a dream that the way to peace is to convert them to Tallcon.

Liha is Finnish for meat.  A frail looking girl of the Arbre Fonce who has hazel-red eyes.  She wears a black cloak with a red inside lining.  She wore a thick red scarf around her neck.  Her jet black hair was straight and long.
Lolar: iolar is Irish for eagle.  This Eaglian is a trusted friend of Aquila and fiercely loyal.
Lontas:  iontas is Irish for surprise.  Although his cerebral basket is overflowing, his athletic hamper was neglected.  He is widely regarded as the clumsiest human on the planet.  His one true friend is fellow squire Bellae.  He has blonde hair and is of average height and weight for his age, but is gangly and awkward.  Loving to read late into the night, he is often the last to wake up.  To compensate he often wears his clothes and shoes to bed to be ready for the next morning.  Being the target of bullying has made him insecure.  His refuge is in his books and the Liberum library.

Lovag is his Knight. Lontas was two and a half when Bellae arrived at Liberum as a newborn.  He was six and a half in the prologue and nine and a half at the start of the tale.
Lovag: is Hungarian for Knight.  One of the Pantteri Squad Knights.  A devoted learner this quiet and kind man almost became a tutor instead of Knight.  He was just too good of a fighter and loved the meticulous training to master archery and improve his equestrian skills.  Despite his prowess on the battlefield his main love is reading whatever and whenever possible.  He has a special spot in the Knight’s Library, Leabharlann.

Luchar: is Spanish for fight.  One of the Pantteri Squad Knights.  Not exactly a people person, his fierceness is matched only by his raging temper.  Charging full speed ahead is his only mantra.  His stout body is thickly muscled, but he is also capable of finesse and speed on the battlefield.

Maigre: French for lean or skinny.  This is a Northern Dwarf woman who is Abhac’s wife.  She helps care for the Storten Flower Fields.
Marchoga: is Welsh-ride.  A prominent equestrian warrior from the Rebelde Plains.  He will challenge Arquero for horse rider championship at Tournament of Flags.
Martello is Italian for hammer.  A former Knight from Piscium.  He was a very powerful and successful Knight and is buried at Liberium.  He was the only one of his family to become a Knight (the rest have stayed in Piscium).  His grandson is Sumar.
Menas: μανία is Greek for rage, mania.  He is a Knight from Taiheart Castle who competes in sword at the Tournament of Flags.
Mester: is Norwegian for champion.  Proliate who fights at Tournament of Flags.   This vicious member of the Rutilus Obitus prefers to not wear red chain mail under his plate armor to allow his powerful biceps to show.  On his right arm is a well-healed scar, the heaping edges make the rough image of Tallcon where he had been branded.
Mor-Leider: môr-leidr is Welsh for piratePirate captain of the ship, Amathia.  He is sanctioned by the White Wizard (basically allows him to sail to Ifrean without instantly being killed).

Musta-Yo: Two Finnish words: black is musta and night is yö.  This large black steed is Ritari’s horse.  Although a massively powerful horse, Ritari prefers to fight from foot and does not often use the glorious horse for battle.

Mykka: is Finnish for dumb/silly.  This squire from Castle Liberum always has trouble staying awake in class.  He is in the same astronomy class as the Pantteri squad.
Nain is French for Dwarf.  He is the Infantry leader of the Vioma Divisions.
Necare: nècora in Catalan is crab.  He is an ancient man in the Vetus Infirmary within Castle Liberum and talks with Jumeaux.
Orel: Czech for Eagle.  This general of the Eaglians is highly skilled flier and savage fighter who is close to Friar of the Independent Knight.  He is considered the most competent general and the one who would lead the Eaglians into any battle.  One of the commands he issues: “En, to, tre, fire, fem, gå!” is Norwegian for one, two, three, four, five, go!
Pallens: is Latin for pale, wan or sallow.  This Saatana dragon fights the Piscinians during the Dragon Battles of the Tournament of Flags.
Pallium, Friar: Pallium is Latin for pall-which is literally a cloth draped over a coffin, and figuratively when a situation is covered in an air of gloom/dread.  He is the leader of the Independent Knights, he currently resides in their primary castle, Liberum.  He was a boy during the First Dark Wars, but he is still haunted by them on many levels.  While not a hereditary leadership, in this case Friar Palliums family has been faithfully leading the Knights for generations.  It was his father, Isa, who was Friar during the devastating Dark Wars.  Many, on all sides, blame Friar Isa’s poor leadership and capitulatory nature on the Knights downfall.  He has spent his life obsessing on how to be a better leader than his father and regain the Knight’s former glory and assets.  

Patuljak is Serbian for elf.  While originally from Creber, once elected as Grand Master Elf he was been forced to move around.  In fact, he spent a great deal of time in Dunn trying to soothe tensions between the two sects of Elves.  His son is Kempe and his grandson is Kainen.
Peraakon: περα is Greek for beyond, and ον is being.  An instructor at the Academy of Magic who specializes in the mindre crystals.  His dark blue robes looked incredibly old and tattered as they slouched across his tall frame.  His headband looked new as did the ponytail ribbon that held his black hair with gray streaks.  He had miniature circular spectacles that looked exceedingly small on his round and plump nose.  The nose pieces almost looked bigger than the lenses themselves.  His dark brown, almost black eyes seemed to be of normal size, leaving one wonder at the absurdity.
Piaculum: is Latin for victim.  One of the original one-hundred Magicians.  He trained the White Wizard who betrayed and killed him.  He was known as Magician Thirteen and after his horrible death at the hands of the White Wizard, the number was considered unlucky.
Pinguis, Veli: Latin for fat, oily.  He is a man who sees joy in everything.  He even remains happy even during an argument.  As Veli of Toil Shaor, one of the last three Knight castles, he relies on an apathetic approach to his leadership and training.  While his Knights find him quite refreshing as a leader, Veli Falciss looks on him with abhorrence. 
Pohjola, Tutor: is north in Finnish.  He is a tutor who teaches general World Literature, but specializes in the stories from the north, Jaa.  Taught Lontas about the story from Jaa about night being a spirit that transforms all things into monsters.  It disappears, is burned away with light of suns. 
Prast: Swedish for priest.  He is a hard-liner Master Clericus.  His devotion to Tallcon is extreme and unshakable.  He wears dark blue robes and matching headband.  Long graying brown hair flows from underneath a headband with a star and red phoenix into a long ponytail.  His steely gray eyes dominate his facial features.  He is the Magician who delivers message for independent Knights that they can no longer use the title of “Friar.” 
Pugnatex: from Latin pugna ut nex: battle to the death.  A Saatana dragon who is famous for giving his life defending the Kirvella Dragons long ago against a Proliate attack.

Pumilus: is Latin for Dwarf.  An odd character, he is known as one of the thinnest Dwarves alive.  His bright red hair is sparse and fine, very un-Dwarf like.  He has a nervous habit of rocking forward up on his toes and then back to his heels while rubbing his barely whiskered chin.  He was originally from the Southern Dwarf Kingdom but was exiled due to his perceived weakness, and now lives in the Rebelde plains.
Quengeln: is German for whine/grouch.  He is the head groom (stable man) of Castle Liberum.  This gruff man is slouched and wrinkled by age and his ill-tempered nature.  He wears a modified war helmet encased in burgundy fabric that unsuccessfully tries to tame his wild white hair.  He wears a black shirt and trousers with a burgundy short cloak that arches along his curved back.  He will help the squires acquire their horses, but not without a run-in with Bellae and Finn.
Reheva: rehevä is Finnish for lush or luxuriant.  She was one of the richest Western Elves ever.  She discovered one of the only gold veins outside of the Southern Dwarf Kingdom and is best known for founding the city of Chatelaine.  An elaborate tomb in her honor sits within an opulent garden in the city center.
Rhyfeler: rhyfelwr is warrior in Welsh.  He is the flamboyant constable of Liberum.  He is in charge of the gatehouse and works with Captain Ritari to coordinate defense of the castle.  He has flowing, yellow blonde hair and a scruffy face.  His blue eyes twinkle and he is almost always of good cheer.  Brutally hard on the Knights assigned to the gatehouse and walls, he is friendly to squires.  He wears a yellow surcoat with a black bird of prey upon it.
Ri: Rí is Irish for king.  He is cookies kitchen cat.  A mischievous black cat with a distinctive white patch of fur in the shape of an inverted triangle on its forehead.  It also had an incredibly long tail which was black save for a white tip.  Unlike most cats it’s eyes were pitch black so that you could not distinguish the pupil.
Ritari: is Finnish for knight. One of the Pantteri Squad Knights.  He is the captain or fanrik of all Knights within Liberum.  This large hulk of a man has black hair shaved tight and coarse facial features.  He always has the best interest of his Knights and tends to lead by example.  While he is quick to laugh he is a fierce warrior who never seems to tire.  He holds the record for the longest time fighting with no break, and is widely regarded as best fighter of all the Independent knights.

Saccade: saccadé is French for jerky.  A member of the Tilkeri squad in Castle Liberum.  while older than most of the other squires, he is a bully.  At seventeen, he is nearing his eighteenth birthday when most test for the Knighthood with trials, exams, a night in the cemetery contemplating their own death.
Saemt Eldi: slæmt eld is Icelandic-bad fire. This Varna specializes in archery.  Book Three? His arbor breith is burned down by Dark Warriors in battle of Abhainn.
Salus: is Latin for health.  He works in the Vetus Infirmary.  As a surgeon he wears a long white robe with red sash.  He is very tall and wears glasses over his bright eyes.  He gives off an air reservation, almost as if he is withholding something from you.
Sanar: is Spanish for heal/cure.  He is a very well respected Parantaa or healer at Castle Liberum.
Sankari is Finnish for hero.  This Fairy from Cappadocia is known for her sassy wit and quick temper.  Her fragile looking bifid wings beat furiously and increase with her angst.  Her wings are dark brown with occasional tan spots.  The opposite is true of her body.  Coarse and thick looking dark brown hair perches above her petite features.  She carries a pecary tusk sword and atlatl on her dull reddish-brown clothes.

Sarskil: särskild is Swedish for special.  This special forces Dwarf is a member of the Vasama Division.  He has dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair tied with blue Kirvella Dragon scales.
Scelto: is Italian for chosen.  This early teen is the size of an average adult male with the muscles to match.  Despite his large dimensions and being squad leader, he is unassuming to the point of being shy.  Always kind to the underdog, he looks out for Lontas and Bellae.  He has a dry sense of humor, but does not appreciate squire Jumeaux’s as he views it as inappropriate.  The opposite problem exists with fellow squire Gimelli, there is tension because of his affection for her.
Seestya: seestyä is Finnish for brighten up or clear up.  This master trainer of Jaa travels to the Citadel for the Tournament of Flags.  There he meets the Pantteri Knights from Liberum, in particular he has a private session with Bellae.
Slaemur-Rass: is Icelandic for bad ass. Proliate Red Guard who is known for his rigorous devotion.
Soma is Finnish for cute or nice.  This veteran fighter is a Vioma Dragon that befriends Bellae.  His most distinguishing characteristic is a torn right ear.
King of Ager is Tarha (Finnish for farm).  He is a huge hulking man.  Time and a hefty appetite have slouched his once even more ominous size.  He wears simple brown leather cape, shirt and pants.  The only striking part of his attire is his scepter.  It appeared to be gold.  The top portion has a series of sculptures.  The lowest was a round model of Verngaurd.  Above that were three circles representing the three suns of Verngaurd.  Finally on top was the vita symbol of Ager.

Sorea: is Finnish for pretty, slender.  One of few female Knights left.    She is tough and rarely lets her feminine side show except in private.  As one of the most skilled mechanicians she was constantly redesigning and coming up with ways to make the catapults and trebuchets go further and be more destructive.  She carries a crossbow with a gold eagle head at the front and the arms of the crossbow carved to look like wings.  She has a leather chest plate over simple cloth sleeves which were covered by leather vambraces that bore an eagle.  She wears her long black hair in a single pony tail standing up from the top of her head.

Sterne: stjerne is Norwegian for star.  This famous, now dead Kirvella dragon, was a great astronomer who developed and improved the telescope and armillary spheres.
Storlax: Icelandic for challenge, provoke or taunt.  High commander of all Proliate armies-and hence the military protectorship.  He is short and stout, with very large shoulders and upper body.  He wears all red armor except Tallcons image in gold upon right side of his helmet.  Black hair adorns his head over grayish eyes.  His roundish face and cheeks make him look as if they are stuffed with acorns.  He has a large scar down right side of face and mouth.  He is devoted to Tallcon and intent on increasing devotion to him over Verngaurd.

Stralande: strålande is Swedish for excellent or beaming.  The elder of the Council of Kirvella who interrupts their dialectic and focusses them on Bellae.  He is hunched over with age.  He had large tuffs of grayish hair spurting from his ears.  He shuffled along and had a wooden cane for assistance.  Tattered and bent, a pair of glasses tenuously hung onto the end of his snout.
Stratto: Italian for jerk or jolt.  A member of the Tilkeri squad in Castle Liberum.  while older than most of the other squires, he is a bully.
Sumar: Spanish for add, as in Addison’s disease.  He is a weak and sickly boy who has Addison’s disease.  His greatest dream is to be a Knight one day like his grandfather.  Addison’s is caused by     .  The symptoms include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, low blood pressure, skin changes (darkening of the skin).
Surkea: is Finnish for sad/two-bit.  The mother of two sons in the village of Kippe.  She has two boys (Hengeton and Kuollut).  Wrought with grief she was driven mad.  The Knights from Liberum visit the village after receiving a call for help.
Suticat: this is Tacitus, a famous Greek writer, backwards): he is friend of Captain Johtaa who once said,  “Only a coward would clutch blindly to security and give up the freedoms that defined us.”  This is a paraphrase of Tacitus.
Synty: is Finnish for birth.  This brownish female Kirvella dragon is in charge of birthing unit of all dragons.
Tallcon: In mythology there are many versions, from many nations about the phoenix.  Some say it was reborn in a supernatural fire that involved burning of special spices such as myrrh, spikenard (a very expensive perfumed ointment in ancient times) and cinnamon.  In Verngaurd it is the god of Proliators, a massive pheonix.  They believe the worthy will have eternal life in his life giving fire of rebirth.
Temere: is Italian for fear.  This Proliator Red Guard is known for the serious look etched across his young face.  His dark brown hair has a natural curl to it and is streaked with occasional bands of white.  His features are all fine and relatively petite.
Tempaus: is Finnish for jerk or wrench.  A member of the Tilkeri squad in Castle Liberum.  while older than most of the other squires, he is a bully.  At seventeen, he is nearing his eighteenth birthday when most test for the Knighthood with trials, exams, a night in the cemetery contemplating their own death.
Teyol: is Finnish from tyolas meaning tough/difficult/hard.  This human representative has ancestry dating back to the Proliate Islands, but for several generations his forefathers were pirates.  He wears a silver helmet, a gold breast plate, and black leather vambraces and greaves.  All of that cornucopia of armor is worn over a grubby brown shirt and pants.   He carries four scimitar swords, two on each side on his waist.  The silver helmet was a cone shape with a nose piece but left his ears and neck uncovered.  He has dark brown hair and skin to match his dark eyes.  He is known for his quick temper.
Tikkar: is Finnish for sucker.  Sergeant in Dark Warrior army who leads charge into Aon Intinn during battle of Vahse Plains.
Tiron: Spanish for jerk or jolt.   A member of the Tilkeri squad in Castle Liberum.  while older than most of the other squires, he is a bully.
Trenalai: trainer is Irish is traenalai.  This Northern Dwarf is a Saatana Dragon trainer who was responsible for training the dragon Hullus for the Tournament of Flags.
 Trolleri: is Swedish for magic.  This portly magician barely made it through the rigorous training.  He will meet a few of the squires in Book Two, but he will wish he hadn’t.
Udistus, King: uudistus is Finnish for reform.  His reign began before the Dark Wars.  From his first day of rule he began to have a series of dreams outlining the oncoming attacks by the Dark Warriors, how he should unite the clans of the Proliate Islands, and the true way to worship Tallcon.  Almost overnight the Proliators turned from a backwards country scrapping out a scavengers living on a barren set of isles to a well oiled military machine expanding onto the mainland.  He enacted several great changes including what is considered the most important, forging an alliance with the Magicians who had been contracting until the alliance.
Uusi: is Finnish for new. this thin and quiet girl is a secondary squire to Ritari.  She is covered with lots of freckles and reddish brown hair and is embarrassed by the slightest nod of attention.  Her features are petite and fine as if even her characteristics were trying to blend in and not call any attention to themselves.
Vakava: is Finnish for severe/serious.  A Dwarf, his ancestors were some of the first to develop prestidigitation while living in the Southern Dwarf Kingdom centuries ago.  When they felt it was being misused, they were banished from the mines of the south and traveled to Rebelde Plains, bringing the art of prestidigitation with them.  He wears a loose fitting gray tunic with chain mail under it.  A large axe is slung over his back.  His hair is gray with a a speckling of brown.  His beard is trimmed and tight like you would see only in the Rebelde Plains.  It would never be considered respectable to see this in either the Northern or Southern Dwarf realms.
Valkea: is Finnish for white.  This elderly man is easily recognized with his long white beard.  He has long discussion with Friar Pallium after the Knights answer a call for help.
Vanalia: vana is Swedish for used or wont; vonlaust in Icelandic is hopeless.  This young girl lives in a poor village not far from the Northern Dwarves.  Her father is Svika.  She had a distant relative who was a Knight, Dana.  She and her family travel with the Knights to the Citadel for the Tournament of Flags.
Vanha: is old in Finnish.  This tutor had his Knight career cut short by a severe back injury.  He comes from and ancient family whose service to Verngaurd and the Knights is almost unheard of (generation after generation of Vanha’s have been Knights).  Each time the eldest son inherits the name Vanha and then adds one to the suffix.  Some say he is the seventy-fifth Vanha Knight.
Veneficus, Supreme Master: Veneficus is Latin for magical.  Eons old, no one knows or can fathom his age.  He has been protector of Verngaurd for all recorded history.  He has battled his arch rival, the White Wizard, down through the ages-striving to keep him and his hordes in Ifrean and out of Verngaurd.  His robes are blue with yellow stars and his belt is made of yellow stars.  The largest of the mindre crystals rests on his Crosier.  He wears a small blue headband.  No ponytail just long flowing mostly gray hair with fine speckling of black.  Tall man, about six feet, and lean.  His wizened face is hemmed in a gray goatee. His mostly gray hair is down to his waist and sometimes in a ponytail.

Vikrumui: Lithuanian for sleight (using cunning/deception).  Another of the many skilled prestidigitation practitioners.
Virone or Vir: is Spanish for ferrule (a metal ring used for stability). a young stable mate for the Pantteri he is a friend to Bellae.
Vlug is Dutch for quick, fast, ready.  This Kirvella dragon escorts the League of Truth to the Council.
Ystinen: mystinen is Finnish for mystic/mystical.  This energetic old man from Jaa is a mystic healer turned scientist.  Seestya, Sorea, Scelto, Bellae and Gimelli meet him when they travel through the Jaa “safe house or consulate.”
Zwerg: is German for Dwarf.  He is an Aer Ridire Northern Dwarf dragon rider.  He happens to be very short even by Dwarf standards, and has very muscular arms.  His hair and beard are straight brown.

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